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San Diego State today

Auto Pilot
Harry Redknapp
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San Diego State today Empty San Diego State today

Post by Harry Redknapp Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:35 am

Given that SDS lost to UW on Friday it seems like another opportunity to give playing time to full squad and to explore how some players do in less familiar positions. I hope we see Michelle O at holding mid again. Not only is it interesting to see how she does there, but it opens up a second slot at central defender for all of the players competing for that position in WCC play. My assumption is Olivier is certain to be one of them as long as Keelin is around, but that Kassi McCluskie and Korie Nicholson are main contenders with Kristen Kelly also in contention.

I love watching Elli play, but thought that the idea of starting with the three amigas (U20 stars) on the bench was a very good idea. Kendra's injury meant that Elli played much more of the game than I think that Garrett had intended. Michelle E and Keelin did not play until the second half.
Harry Redknapp
Harry Redknapp

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San Diego State today Empty Re: San Diego State today

Post by Geezaldinho Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:59 am

It's a bit early, I think, to get comfortable with players in any position. I think Garrett is having fun seeing all the places he can put players. The last three games we've seen most of the possibilities, but there are a few left. Kreminski is apparently nursing an injury, but she might be better. We haven't seen McCluskie at Holding mid (or forward, for that matter).

I can see several other possibilities he hasn't tried yet. Maybe he should take fan suggestions for a couple games.
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San Diego State today Empty Re: San Diego State today

Post by Harry Redknapp Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:51 am

There's a low-tier pro club in England - Ebbsfleet - that is owned by the fans and they vote on key player decisions like transfers etc.

Geezer - don't know if they get to suggest who plays!
Harry Redknapp
Harry Redknapp

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San Diego State today Empty Re: San Diego State today

Post by DaTruRochin Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:04 am

Haha honestly I think these games are truly a blessing for the whole squad, it lets them see who reacts well where and with whom surrounding them (even if it isn't their "natural" position). Not only will it be helpful to fill in the gaps once the tourney starts, but it lets Garrett know a little bit more about his personnel for years to come.

I think the versatility we are seeing from these players just goes to show how good the whole coaching staff does at recruiting and seeing the little things that might set players apart. (Even if the big recruiting rankings don't see them that way)

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San Diego State today Empty Re: San Diego State today

Post by UPSoccerFanatic Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:40 am

I think the other good thing about moving players around is that it keeps all the players excited and on edge to see what the staff will try next.

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San Diego State today Empty Re: San Diego State today

Post by DaTruRochin Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:47 am

Oh definitely... Even if you might be apprehensive as a player being put in an unfamiliar position, seeing your coach's vote of confidence is definitely great for the psyche. Something that makes you want to train harder and get better... Not a bad things at all. Plus if you can prove yourself to be adept at different positions, it gives you more opportunities for PT Very Happy

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San Diego State today Empty Re: San Diego State today

Post by FANatic Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:58 am

AMEN to that, Roch. (your 11:04 post)

The recruiting has become truly phenomenal. Might I add to "versatility" and "seeing the little things": Many of our recruits are taller and faster than before. We are seeing very athletic players; players that were genuine, big time track stars and basketball players, etc. in high school.

Recruiting is only part of the big pictice, I know. But a very BIG part, you better believe!

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San Diego State today Empty Re: San Diego State today

Post by Auto Pilot Sun Sep 14, 2008 2:18 pm

Well you have heard the expression you can't make a silk purse out of cow patties or something like that. But now we have Garrett recruiting silk purses and making a giant silk tapestry out of them.
Auto Pilot
Auto Pilot

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San Diego State today Empty Re: San Diego State today

Post by ninjapizza Sun Sep 14, 2008 2:40 pm

Game time and there's no video working. I'm not a huge fan of the audio now that I've had the video experience. "Playing it forward" and "playing it wide" are phrases that have very different meanings at any given time, apparently.
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San Diego State today Empty Re: San Diego State today

Post by Auto Pilot Sun Sep 14, 2008 4:32 pm

Yeah, Me too Ninja. When I finally got the video working it was like...well it was like pixelation city. Trails and stutter I almost yanked the video card out of my box. Almost. Good to win though hearing about the goals is not as nice as watching them as they happen.
Auto Pilot
Auto Pilot

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San Diego State today Empty Re: San Diego State today

Post by FANatic Sun Sep 14, 2008 6:35 pm

Good win today. (All wins are good wins, of course). Listening to the match, I couldn't tell who played what positions, but it sounded like Garrett continued his "musical chairs" with his varying and ever-changing line-ups.

I, and many others I'm sure, am anxiously awaiting our reliable usual suspects to give us a "picture" of who started where and how the game evolved rotation-wise.

You guys/gals, or "experts", as I like to call you, always provide great insight into the matches I cannot attend.

Being as you all have different backgrounds and perspectives, taking in all of your collective info lets me formulate in my own mind an idea of the game, or small picture, and the season as a whole, or big picture.
San Diego State today Mini-bear-singing-2843
I have no idea what this posts means, why every line is a different color or why their is a singing bear at the end. But like they say, "Why'd ya do it?". Answer: "Cause it's there." Now it is there. Okay......huh?????

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San Diego State today Empty Re: San Diego State today

Post by Auto Pilot Sun Sep 14, 2008 6:52 pm

Well, like I was saying my video was really bad but I can tell you that Keelin spent most of the second half up top. Ellie was on her usual left side mid but she was constantly going forward all day long. She had the ball alot. Korie came out with an injury. I hope its not bad. Similar to what has been said before the defensive back line looks pretty much set. Charney will definately be a starter by the end of the year as she seems to be asserting herself more in shot attempts and connecting the midfield to the forwards.

My picture was bad (did I say that already) so it was hard to get a feel for Megan's intensity level.
I really came away with the feeling that SDSU was playing like a team who knew they were going to lose and wanted to make sure it wasn't an embarassment. They had zero offense until late in the second half when they knew we weren't going to blast them out of the water.

It is hard for me to gauge performance when a team plays that way.

Kelsey had almost nothing to do except take out the trash once in a while.
I don't think they even got off a shot in the whole first half. It was a strange game. Not a good prep for playing better teams who have nothing to fear. Flat out SDSU played scared.
Auto Pilot
Auto Pilot

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San Diego State today Empty Re: San Diego State today

Post by Geezaldinho Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:31 pm

Ellie actually started as the Left side defender with Michelle Enyeart in front of her. She was a defender when she scored, though it was from about 8 yards out. Sweeney played the other side. It may have looked like Ellie was the mid but that's because she was pushing up a LOT. She had a really nice track-back on a forward that was classic. she just made up about 10 yards in the space of 30, ran past the opponent and calmly turned the ball upfield. She did play some mid in the second half on both sides in front of both Sweeney and Nelson. the entire team pushed into the offensive end for large parts of the game. Their forwards weren't fast enough to counter on us, except for that one time, so the outcome wasn't ever in doubt. They did try to get what in Hockey is called "chippy" and the slide into Korie's legs that got her hurt was one of those instances. I hope it's not serious. It did look like a knee.

I figured Ellie would get some sort of tournament award this weekend, but I couldn't figure out if it would be the offensive or defensive award. There was actually kind of a logjam in the defensive award category. Several players could have won it. the trio of Kassie Korrie and Michelle looked really solid.

Kendra, Halley and Jessica didn't play at all, and now Korie got banged a bit. At least next week we only have one game, though it promises to be a good one.
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San Diego State today Empty Re: San Diego State today

Post by Geezaldinho Sun Sep 14, 2008 7:37 pm

One other comment on the game.

You guys were smirking, I could tell, when I brought up the canopy idea.

It doesn't sound so bad now, does it?
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San Diego State today Empty Re: San Diego State today

Post by ejjqb Sun Sep 14, 2008 8:27 pm

Anyone have any more news on Kendra, Halley and Jessica? I noticed they and Rachel walked on and off the field together dressed alike in game shorts and black shirts but Kendra with an orthopedic boot on her left leg up to the knee. I tried to find her dad to ask about it but didn't see him.

These last four games produced a much more accurate shot selection than the first three. Maybe that had something to do with the quality of the opposition but over 50% on goal for four games is pretty darn good any day.

The ladies lacked a bit of the intensity today though Rachel, Michelle E. and Elli put a lot of effort into everything they did. The heat may have had a hand in that. At times, it seemed like everyone looked for Michelle to get a score, but the defenses have not lost sight of her for very long. Her run today that ended with the assist to Foxhoven was classic Enyart, though.

My one concern in the games where Megan Sweeney has played has been her propensity to make passes longer than 10 yards to the other team rather than to a Pilot. I counted at least six today and she was very lightly pressured, if at all, each time. Is is my imagination or does she seem a bit slower than two years ago? It might just be that the terrific speed of the rest of the team makes her seem slower. After seeing Emma now, I'm not sure that the best combo on the wings once Elli leaves isn't Jessica and Emma. Tough as nails, very fast and accurate with the pass.

I can't wait for Friday to see just how the ladies look against better competition. By the way, it seems that the Nike has brought in better teams in the past. Just think of the level of play at Stanford all weekend. Wouldn't a line-up like that be amazing at Merlo?

Last edited by ejjqb on Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:34 pm; edited 1 time in total

Bench Warmer
Bench Warmer

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San Diego State today Empty Re: San Diego State today

Post by Harry Redknapp Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:10 pm

San Diego State played defensively today.. They often had only one player forward and packed the midfield. Can't blame them, the Pilots had scored 21 goals in three games and SDS lost to UW who only beat N Arizona 2-1.

Kelsey had nothing to do. Starting defense was Megan S on right, Kassi and Korie center, Elli on the left; Michelle O in the holding mid, Megan R at the point of the diamond, with Charney right and Michelle E left; Danielle and Sophie up front.

As reported Kendra was in a boot to her knee on her left leg; Jessica and Hallie were in tennis shoes - informal report was Jessica had a mild concussion. So none of them were going to play.

It was very hot and sunny. Pliots totally dominated play and possession; at times it was a one- and two-touch clinic. Both Megan S and Elli had acres of space. The two Ks were very solid at the back - both are not afraid to dish out the physical stuff. Good quality in center defenders IMO. Elli is the energizer bunny: she runs and runs. As mentioned earlier she ran one attacker down in the first half with a devastating display of pace. She is very quick and her defensive skills and positioning have improved substantially. Her goal was a beauty, she was going forward, ended up in the box exchanging passes with Danielle and sidefooting the ball home with nonchalance.

I thought Michelle O looked very comfortable in the holding slot. After about half of the game in Friday she figured out that she doesn't have to do anything spectacular in that position. Just cover and support and make the simple passes and link play and close people down on defense. She can do that.

I thought Megan R had her best game of the season. I've been critical of her first touch and her shot and her passing. Her first touch was much better today and her shot seems to be back. Her goal on Friday was a screamer and she hit several sharply on target today. Her passing is still occasionally dodgy but she's getting better each week. Charney had a solid game and Michelle E is just special. She was pacing herself today- and why not ... it was d*mn hot and they were in total control. Her run to set up the second goal was classic Enyeart: got the ball in space just inside the Pilot half and she was off running at speed at and through the defense ending up in the corner of the 6-yard box. She could have gone for the shot - it would have been tough but others might have tried it, but she laid it back across for Danielle who had an easy finish nicely taken.

Sophie looks fine up front. She's not fast but she's scary strong and holds the ball up well, which is a fine asset given all the attacking threats who can play off her. Danielle knows where the net is, and is playing with more confidence and linking well with others.

Kristen Kelly, Emma Nelson, Sara Jackman, Janelle Jacka all did fine in their time on the field. Keelin split time between forward and her regular spot. It looks like she enjoys the time up top.

One concern was that Korie got hurt in the second half. Hard to tell how bad it was but she was headed off for treatment after the game when they announced her defensive player of the tournament award and she was much more interested in getting to the ice bath than she was in coming back to collect a plaque.

Florida will be a much tougher challenge than any of the games these past two weeks but a lot of players have gotten good time in these four games and I thing the coaches have some better sense of who can do what, especially once the 3 amigas are gone.

A couple of tough games before Gonzaga but this team looks good for WCC play.
Harry Redknapp
Harry Redknapp

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San Diego State today Empty Re: San Diego State today

Post by Geezaldinho Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:37 pm

Martin Jol wrote:

Florida will be a much tougher challenge than any of the games these past two weeks but a lot of players have gotten good time in these four games and I thing the coaches have some better sense of who can do what, especially once the 3 amigas are gone.

I thing so too.

We thank Ricky Ricardo for his fine rundown of the game Very Happy
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San Diego State today Empty Re: San Diego State today

Post by PilotDrummer Sun Sep 14, 2008 9:49 pm

Also noticed Kendra in a boot...her parents (two seats to my left) were not there today. Was a fun game to watch and I agree with the comment that SDSU was playing in an attempt to not make our goal differential for the tourney +14!
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San Diego State today Empty Re: San Diego State today

Post by pms275 Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:04 pm

Martin Jol wrote:San Diego State played defensively today.. They often had only one player forward and packed the midfield.

That's for sure. There was little to no push up the field from them most of the game. It may just be us, but my wife and I got the sense that about halfway through the second half San Diego State quit. Maybe it was the heat, but it surprised me a bit.

Anyone else get that sense, or were we too dehydrated? Cool
Bench Warmer
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San Diego State today Empty Re: San Diego State today

Post by Geezaldinho Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:12 pm

pms268 wrote:
Martin Jol wrote:San Diego State played defensively today.. They often had only one player forward and packed the midfield.

That's for sure. There was little to no push up the field from them most of the game. It may just be us, but my wife and I got the sense that about halfway through the second half San Diego State quit. Maybe it was the heat, but it surprised me a bit.

Anyone else get that sense, or were we too dehydrated? Cool

I think that's when I noticed they were frustrated at not winning any balls all day. Elbows and slide tackles started to manifest themselves. notable victims were Elli, Michelle E., Charney, and the slide on Korie. You'll note no one decided to pick on Keelin.
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San Diego State today Empty Re: San Diego State today

Post by Harry Redknapp Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:15 pm

The game got slightly bad tempered and some of the SDS players were losing their temper. It was very very hot and they had no chance of winning. The way that UP played early in the game, with so much possession and almost playing keep away, must have been very demoralizing to play against.

Geezer is right: there were some ugly tackles. They were not messing with Sophie either.
Harry Redknapp
Harry Redknapp

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San Diego State today Empty Re: San Diego State today

Post by Geezaldinho Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:27 pm

Michelle got kicked while she was lying on the ground after a collision....
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San Diego State today Empty Re: San Diego State today

Post by purple haze Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:36 pm

San Diego played deep in a bunker wearing kevlar sports bras in hopes of blunting the Pilots attack. Their formation looked like 4-5-1 most of the game, or even 5.5-5-.5. Pilots did not take a ton of shots (although the official scorer seemed to overlook many of their early SOGs that required keeper saves). The 1-0 deficit at the half had to feel pretty good for SD even they had shown zero percent chance of tieing it.

2nd half opened things up more. Reed and Sweeney were all over the SD end on the attack. Sweeney earned a strong assist within a few feet of the goal -- fabulous fight for the ball and skillfull footwork from her on that one. Enyeart's 50-yard run for an assist was another classic for her portfolio. Who else thinks she is underused at midfield? Up top is her domain.

Unfortunate for H. Kreminski that she didn't suit for either weekend game. Clearly this was a weekend when every healthy player would get in the game. Coach Smith must trust Emma Nelson, since she played at right back in the 2nd half, performing pretty well, I thought. Good opp. for Sara Jackman to show her stuff too.

Nicholson's injury appeared to be to her right ankle; that's where the ice bag was applied. Not having Jessica Tsao was unfortunate. A few games ago UP had 20 players suited up; by end of the game today it was down to 15 healthy bodies. Best wishes for fast recoveries to all.

Weekend in a nutshell: Beautiful stretch of weather, 10 UP goals, Pilots took care of business at home, won the tourney, and claimed both the offensive and defensive players of the tourney (Ellie Reed and Korie Nicholson, respectively, although I would make the case that Reed deserved both).
purple haze
purple haze
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San Diego State today Empty Re: San Diego State today

Post by UPSoccerFanatic Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:37 pm

Just a couple of thoughts not expressed so far:

1. I am not particularly fond of Reed and Enyeart on the same side of the field. Too much running power in one spot. Elli doesn't pass the ball to Michelle that much and it leaves Michelle out of the game, to some extent. Or, Elli has to give it up more to Michelle.

2. Similarly on the other side, Sweeney seems to take the ball to the middle a lot and, when she does, not to recognize she has Charney out there on the sideline.

3. Notwithstanding what I just said, especially in the first half, the Pilots did a good job of switching the ball and forcing SDS to chase across the field. I think that accounts for SDS looking pretty frazzled as the second half progressed. Still, I think the outside defenders need to be careful not to leave the outside midfielders out of the play.

4. Jessica Tsao should be fine, apparently a head-bang that needs some recovery time. Korie's injury looked to me, at the end of the game, like it was her right ankle. She had that shoe off as she exited the field plus a circle of tape around the ankle. Kendra apparently is trying to get a nagging foot injury healed.

5. I bet Enyeart is getting frustrated. Opposing teams look like they're man-marking her, which is great for the team but makes it hard to get the ball to her. Maybe that accounts for Elli passing her by so many times. I'd like to see Enyeart playing up front some of the time rather than Keelin, maybe put Keelin on a wing if the staff wants to have other players gain experience at holding mid.

6. I'm realizing that the staff is facing a real challenge -- how to try out other players at the different positions in prep for the U-20 World Cup losses and at the same time keep everyone happy. Not an easy thing to do.

7. Notwithstanding that the opposition last week and this were pretty easy, let's not forget that we had UCLA and USC in one weekend earlier. I haven't seen any other team this year that has faced that level of opposition in a single weekend.

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San Diego State today Empty Re: San Diego State today

Post by Harry Redknapp Sun Sep 14, 2008 10:55 pm

And played them both tough with 4 freshmen starting.

I think the USC and UCLA games set a level of expectation for UP. That's how tough it can be and that's the level of pace and intensity we need to be able to match. So that when they face the teams that they have in the last two weeks they continue to aim high and get the results that they have. 4 games 24-0, and playing back up players and starters out of position for the majority of the time.
Harry Redknapp
Harry Redknapp

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