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I think Bill Schonley said it best...

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I think Bill Schonley said it best... Empty I think Bill Schonley said it best...

Post by goldhelmet Sat Feb 28, 2009 5:42 pm

you've GOT to make your free throws...

Portland 12- 23

SCU - 26-30

There's the game right there.

DANG !!!!!!!! I thought we had this one. Up by 12 at one point. The first half tonight was the exact mirror image of the USD first half - at least it sounded that way on the radio... excellent offensive execution, ball movement, movement without the ball.

But the missed FT's just KILLED us. Some of them were the front ends of one and ones so the true impact cannot be gleaned just from the stat line.

The internet feed was not working, so I could not see the game, but it sounded like Raivio had a really bad game. It also sounded like BIG John played some quality minutes and played well.

My prediction: BIG John will be pushing the upper classmen BIG time in 2009-10 for more minutes and possibly a starting position. He gives you something that Knutson and Hannibal don't have in their games - basically, excellent offensive skills - and he's just so much bigger than Robin and everyone else.
Bench Warmer
Bench Warmer

Number of posts : 270
Age : 62
Location : Lake Oswego, Oregon
Registration date : 2007-04-28

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